Wow, it's the 21st of January already. It's hard not to feel like I'm spinning my wheels and not getting much done. Guess that's because we (or should I say "I") added Georgie horse to the farm. What was I thinking you ask? I'm asking myself too. The more time I spend with Georgie the more I love her. I've never owned a horse like her. Not just her looks and breed but personality. It's like she understands when I talk to her. If she's acting scared I just pull her face down to mine and softly tell her what is about to transpire and she calmly lets me do whatever it is without acting stupid like the boy horses who flat out don't care what I ask of them they do what comes naturally. The mare actually listens! I've been told that mares "will take care of you" but I never believed it. Marcel is kinda scared of Georgie. Or at least he is scared that she will hurt me, trample me or something. She is tall, well at least her head is attached to a very upright neck whereas the boys have low set necks so their heads are lower. I think Sterling would outweigh her as he is a big horse too While he is dog gentle at home he can be explosive in other situations and he has broken things freaking out and pulling back. Which is a really bad habit. It starts with them pulling when tied and getting loose. Just like a Shiba, once they know they can get loose and bolt color them gone! Assholes I say.
So, I have been limiting my time in the office and spending a lot of time with the dogs and with Georgie. Marcel's put me on a strict budget so I have to do a lot more work around the farm myself. I am motivate because I really enjoy doing the work but I have to be realistic. My fibromyalgia keeps me prisoner. I used to be so strong and I could work from sun up around the clock once and still deep into the morning before I ended. Now, I still get a lot done but not like I used to and I end by 7 for sure. More days than I'd like I'm done by 3. No dinner on those nights.
All I want to do is play cowboy with dog sidekick. Speaking of dogs, my last two pups go home this Saturday. Then I can concentrate on my own dogs. It's so weird without my little buddy Stitch. I miss her so much. She was soooo beautiful inside and out. Just a beam of sunshine and happiness all the time and I miss that. Now LG is really showing her age and it won't be long before she is gone I'm sure. LG is the matriarch of Kawako being great grandma to Friday.
Off to work for me!
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