Monday, June 24, 2013

Wow, what a weekend we  had!  We went two specialty shows on Friday followed by 2 all-breed shows on Saturday and Sunday.  We got dumped (didn't win diddly) on the first show Friday but in the second show we came back with a vengeance!  Fuyu, my Bridget x Kupono puppy whom I co-own with Jr. handler Heidi won a VERY competitive 6-9 puppy class and Best Puppy, Best Female and beat the Best Dog for the further honor of Best of Winners for 5 points.  In the same show her mother Bridget won a strong class of Open Females and took Reserve best female to her daughter. CRAZY MON!  I still can't believe it all happened.  Kuro also took a reserve in one of the shows and Victor our Rottweiler did OK. We hired a professional to handle him which didn't work out too well because he just kept looking for us so I took him in the ring the next day and he was well behaved for me I am very happy with just that.  Victor is a BIG dog and can be hard to work with.  Wow.  It was all a blur of happiness and excitement.  We had many ring side supporters in love with Fuyu so that was very nice too.  On Saturday the Shibas didn't do much but on the last show on Sunday Fuyu won her class and went on to win Winner's Bitch for a 3 point major.  I'm still in shock.....