Victor the Rottweiler is looking mature and quite handsome.......and scary to strangers. He's a super watch dog and I doubt anyone will be trying to break into my car with him in there. I had someone try to break in at steal Stitchy my Pomeranian while I was in Home Depot. On another occasion ALSO at Home Depot someone stole my purse from under the seat. Home Depot's parking lot hasn't been good to me.
The lambs are growing too. Soon they will be strong enough to cross the stream and we'll let the all the sheep go to the far side to graze. The Soays are so fascinating to watch. I can just stand there and trip on them forever on a warm morning like today.
The horses are losing their winter woolies and starting to slick out with a shiny summer coat. I will start training them again soon. Lesson's to continue from last year. Marcel says he's going to put up an agility course for them so add THAT to the arms length list of todo's and I'll believe it when I see it.
I have been working on some of my Cafe Press items and some of my art on canvas for awards for a Shiba Specialty dog show in June. I am cutting way back on showing so I can focus on my art for a while. The Shiba Specialty draws a big entry of Shibas and I need on more major win on Kuro to make him a champion and then he can retire from the show ring and start a new career in the obedience ring. I have to get back in the swing of things to compete in obedience since it's been a long time since I did anything accept teach basic obedience and manner in classes to others and I do about the same with my own dogs but nothing fancy. I will have to ask for more perfection, more focus and some pizazz if I want to place in the ribbons with my Shibas. Most people who show a Shiba in obedience just want to get the 3 qualifying scores they need in each level to complete a title. I may end up feeling the same way! I don't shall zee.....she said in her best Frau Blucher impersonation. And the horses whinnied................