To all the youths out there: It's totally true that time goes faster as you get older so ENJOY every moment of your healthy youth. Life really is short.
My other advice is to take care of your teeth, your feet, your knees and your skin. USE SUN SCREEN. Especially if you're a whitey. Wear a hat, eyes can get sun burned too. Eat organics whenever you can and don't use toxic chemicals in your body or in the home. Don't eat or drink anything that says DIET on the label and ladies, no birth control pills! They are the worst! Don't use certain recreational drugs, prescribed pharmaceuticals AND over the counter remedies. NSAIDS are soooo bad for your kidneys............I can attest to that personally. It's now common knowledge that these things cause seriously effects your health and as you age it all becomes apparent. PLEASE care for you body and share the information with everyone you love and don't love.
It sucks to be in your 40's and start having all kinds of health issues you could have avoided.
Enough about physical health now I want to talk about happiness. Humans can't thrive without love and friendship. Nurture healthy relationships and leave any in the dust that don't make you feel good about yourself. It's hard to know what that means when you are a child playing with other children but it is something we learn the hard way in short time if we have been raised with any sense of confidence and integrity.
Everyone has to learn to say NO. Leave toxic relationships with any partner. It isn't worth your time. Remember life is short. It isn't your responsibility to save anyone. I'm not saying you can't help others but don't become co-dependent. Point them in the direction of professional help and let them make the decision to float or sink. Most people have to hit bottom before they will help themselves. I'm not saying bail on a marriage because it's tough but toxic isn't healthy for you.
Ladies, get a good education and be able to support yourself and any children YOU decide to have. We have come too far to be angry with partners that don't support us and our children. Be the provider and get over it.
Gentlemen, be just that. Respect your partner. Be your word. Don't make promises you can't keep. Communicate openly and honestly even if it is a simple yes or no answer. Be generous with your heart it doesn't cost you anything.
Lovers come and go throughout life but good friends are always there when your lover leaves. Don't forget about them! Keep in good communication. Don't neglect them, they deserve your respect too.
Cultivate and nurture friendships with people that inspire you. Brilliant people come in all kinds. Both young and old people of all faiths and cultures can contribute to our educations as humans. Them more we learn other people's prospective the more loving and generous we can become to the world. Take opportunities to meet new people. Talk to strangers. Pay it forward.
TRAVEL as much as you can. Even if it's just a car drive a few towns away. Take a new way home from work. Try new things you haven't done before. Start a bucket list. It gets harder to do some of those things as you get older so do them when you can and before you can't!
Happiness starts with feeling good about yourself. Then and only then will you attract the kind of people in your life that share your level of integrity. Only then will you attract a willing partner in life.
Happiness can be found in the strangest places. In quiet days with blue skies, singing along with the radio playing your favorite while you pick dog poop up off the lawn. Been there, done that.
Enough said. I have to start my happy day with feeding hungry critters. Have a good one.
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