Meet new puppy Ebi. Marcel had been wanting to name a puppy after my favorite piece of sushi for a few puppies now. We have themes for litters like those born the day of an earth quake or a holiday or other event or something similar to the parent's names. If there is nothing I want to associate with I will usually use a favorite song or music genre. We tend to name our pups based on their personalities, like Zoom who never stopped. Why Marcel wanted to name this one after a shrimp on a little ball of sticky rice I will never know. But I have to let him have his way some time so Ebi it is!
Today Ebi had a lesson on the grooming table about how good doggies can sit on the table and relax. This gets them up and out of my way while I do my barn chores. I let Stitchy (the Pom) and Bridget (Shiba) sit on a table across from Ebi to show how proper dogs behave. They are both angels and would sit up there all day. The table exercise teaches patience AND teaches baby pups how pulling against a leash doesn't get them where they want to go. So after her little lesson Ebi had a nice bath. She was really good in the bath tub and particularly liked being dried off with a towel.
I figured with the litters I have still being in the rat stage I should spend more quality time with Ebi. New born's pass through stages, rat, hamster, guinnea pig, puppy. This is my age description and the noises they make during the different stages. Soon Ebi will be a teenager and like her human equivalent she won't want much to do with mom so I need to teach her manners NOW!
We purchased Ebi from another breeder and she will be shown and eventually take the place of LG in my breeding program. I am breeding another line into my pedigrees. This opens up to the possibility of using different sires on my females. Now I can introduced some strong qualities that my own females are lacking in. I like everything about Ebi but her tight cinnamon bun tail but hey, no dog is perfect. Most people do not realize that the preferred tail on the Japanese dogs is a sickle tail and NOT the tight curl. A loose curl resting to one side is fine too.
Enough lessons today, I have been teaching things all day.
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